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Recent studies demonstrated the vulnerability of control policies learned through deep reinforcement learning against adversarial attacks, raising concerns about the application of such models to risk-sensitive tasks such as autonomous driving. Threat models for these demonstrations are limited to (1) targeted attacks through real-time manipulation of the agent’s observation, and (2) untargeted attacks through manipulation of the physical environment. The former assumes full access to the agent’s states/observations at all times, while the latter has no control over attack outcomes. This paper investigates the feasibility of targeted attacks through visually learned patterns placed on physical objects in the environment, a threat model that combines the practicality and effectiveness of the existing ones. Through analysis, we demonstrate that a pre-trained policy can be hijacked within a time window, e.g., performing an unintended self-parking, when an adversarial object is present. To enable the attack, we adopt an assumption that the dynamics of both the environment and the agent can be learned by the attacker. Lastly, we empirically show the effectiveness of the proposed attack on different driving scenarios, perform a location robustness test, and study the tradeoff between the attack strength and its effectiveness.




Target States

We set target states to be outside of track for all 3 scenarios as shown in second row of below image.

Target states

Straight Track

Left Turn Track

Right Turn Track

Variable Adversarial Bound

Straight Track
Left Turn Track
Right Turn Track



Please cite our paper if it is used in your research.

      title={Targeted Attack on Deep RL-based Autonomous Driving with Learned Visual Patterns},
      author={Prasanth Buddareddygari and Travis Zhang and Yezhou Yang and Yi Ren},
      journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2109.07723}